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Talkpod PoC and DMR Solutions Successfully exhibited at IWCE 2018

Writer's picture: -  Nationwide Push to Talk and - Nationwide Push to Talk and Tracking

We attended the IWCE trade show in Orlando, FL. USA, there we released our new PTT Radio models: the real two way radio outlook touch screen PTT Android radio N58, our smaller handheld PTT network radio N45 and our full keypad DMR digital radio D57. We were very busy both days, as many customers showed a lot of interested in Talkpod America's new product solutions. 

We are pleased to introducing our total PoC and DMR solution to the world. Some famous platforms such as Zello, Eschat, Azetti also came by for integration of our radios with their platforms. We are looking forward to working with them and providing a complete package of PTT hardware an high end platforms in 2018.

If you are an end-user looking for our complete custom Solutions please contact us at 847-728-8500 we would love to answer all your questions.

If you are a two-way radio Sales and Service Center and are looking to round out your product offering to have our complete Solutions please contact us at the same number we are looking for authorized solution Partners throughout North America.

#5g #AndroidembeddedinTwoWayRadio #ATTBusinessSolutions #ATTEnhancedPushToTalk #band14 #DealersWanted #digitalcommunication #DigitalDMRTierIITwoWayRadios #DMRTwoWayDigitalRadios #DMRTierIICompatible #FirstRespondersESChat #firstnet #FirstNetBand14networks #Hytera #improvingemployeeproductivity #InternationalWirelessCommunicationsExpoIWCE #internet #iphoneDispatchSoftware #iphoneappforTalkpodAmerica #IWCEFREEEntranceCodeP316 #JPSInteroperabilitySolutions #Kenwood #LTE #MeetTalkpodAmericaatIWCE2018 #N58ReadyfortheFutureofPushtoTalkPoCTo #NationwideTwoWayRadioCommunications #NextelDirectConnect #NEXTELPHONES #Nextelpushtotalknetwork #NextelWorldwideService #OpenAPI3G4GLTEPoCTwoWayRadios #pttservices #PTTinteroperability #PoCSystemPlatform #PublicSafety #PushtoTalk #PushtoTalkoverCellular #PushtoTalkPoC #ReasonswhytheyreStillRelevant #RuggedPTTRadioPhones #SecurePushtoTalkVoice #SMRSpecializedMobileRadio #SouthernLINCWireless #SprintNextel #TalkpodAmerica #TalkpodAmericaN58 #TalkpodAmericaSOSEmergancyAlertFeature #TalkpodDMR #TalkpodN58 #TalkpodN58WiFiNationwidePoCTwoWayRadios #Walkietalkie #VerizonPTTPushToTalk #UltraruggedpushtotalkPTT #WAVEPushtoTalkPTT #WorldwidePushtoTalk #WiFiBluetoothNetworkTwoWayRadios #wwwTeamTalkPTTcom #WhateverHappenedToNextelandSprintDirectConn

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School Transport

Emma R., Special Needs School Transportation Dispatcher:

iPTT Wireless Solutions has truly tailored their services to meet the specific needs of special needs school transportation. The dispatcher-friendly interface streamlines my tasks, and the support from the team has been exceptional. It's more than just push-to-talk and tracking; it's a comprehensive solution that enhances the safety and reliability of our services. Highly recommended for any special needs school transportation operation."

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Empowering seamless communication across the nation, our mission is to provide cutting-edge Push to Talk Solutions. We strive to connect people instantly, fostering collaboration and efficiency in every corner of the country through reliable and innovative communication technologies.

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